Tyrion lannister quotes bastard
Tyrion lannister quotes bastard

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

I tend to think there may have been fertility issues which is why he never married and was unsure of Tyrion’s paternity specifically, or at least claimed he was unsure. He did make some of the Targaryen Dornish have silver hair though so I would think as a hint to us he would do something similar and give blonde hair.


I can’t think of any instances off the top of my head of a summer islander and a traditional white person having a child, particularly a blonde, for us to compare, and of course skin tones greatly vary in the real world. But seeing all the things he did to Tyrion I doubt he cared much. Which makes the whipping of her all that more brutal. I remember Preston Jacob’s speculating that Alayaya could be his bastard, the idea being Chataya set it up, and would probably guard the secret best so Tywin may have been seeing her. TLDR: Tywin Lannister may have fathered a few bastards around the realm These were just the most likely options I could find, but the possibilities are pretty endless. Though he had been raised to speak the Common Tongue and think of himself as Westerosi, he had never set foot in any part of the Seven Kingdoms till now. Its possible that a situation like this could have happened in the Stepstones (not arguing for Chain explicitly, just pointing out the possibility for members of the Golden Company, etc.):Ĭhain himself had been born into the company, fathered on a camp follower by his sellsword father. Tywin fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings (at age 18). Marq Mandrake, whose pox-scarred face had a hole in one cheek where a slave's mark had been burned away, wore a chain of golden skulls as well.

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

Each ring signified one year's service with the Golden Company. Like many in their trade, they kept their worldly wealth upon their persons: jeweled swords, inlaid armor, heavy torcs, and fine silks were much in evidence, and every man there wore a lord's ransom in golden arm rings. By any name, the sellswords displayed a rude splendor.


In the free companies, a man could call himself whatever he chose. Others claimed names that had once loomed large in the histories of the Seven Kingdoms Griff counted two Strongs, three Peakes, a Mudd, a Mandrake, a Lothston, a pair of Coles. Some of the sellsword captains bore bastard names, as Flowers did: Rivers, Hill, Stone. He is only mentioned in the ADWD, Appendix and in passing:

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

Chett had no use for pretty boys, nor for bastards neither, but Sweet Donnel seemed like to hold his own. He had white teeth and fat red lips and yellow locks that he wore in an artful tumble about his shoulders, and he claimed to be the bastard of some Lannister. And Sweet Donnel Hill was all easy japes. Dirk seemed calm enough, sitting silent and sharpening his blade, the way he did every night. He gave each one a hard squinty look as he ate, to see if any showed signs of breaking. Of the dozen odd brothers who sat by the fire, four were his. The personality seems a bit more like Gerion and he has fat lips like Joffrey and yellow locks, but still had to include him: That said we do know that Tywin loved Joana (but that doesn't mean he refrained from whores). Since Marei is older than Shae (who is around 17 in 299AC), it likely puts her at an age where she was conceived when Tywin was Hand of the King (262 to 281 AC) "I'd hate to have the poor child lose her pearls on account of me." -ACOK, Tyrion VII

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

Green eyes and porcelain skin, long straight silvery hair, very lovely, but too solemn by half. Marei was a cool, pale, delicate girl Tyrion had noticed once or twice. Using that to get to Chataya's and looking at the possibilities the best option (imo) is Marei Feel free to theorize.- SSM Monthly Correspondance SSM: Asshai Forum Chatįor which Hand was dug the passage to Chataya's? Chataya has closely guarded the knowledge of its existence." -ACOK, Tyrion IIIĪnd this is what GRRM has had to say about the tunnel in the past: " The tunnel was dug for another King's Hand, whose honor would not allow him to enter such a house openly. "How is it a brothel happens to have a secret entrance?" We know that Tyrion used a tunnel in the Tower of the Hand to get to Chataya's brothel: A Look into any Potential Bastards of Lord Tywin Lannister

Tyrion lannister quotes bastard